Thursday, August 30, 2012

Save the Date: October 14

Did you know that the Bradley Beach Library has been at 511 Fourth Avenue for 85 years?

To celebrate our anniversary, we are going to have a Sunday afternoon tea to thank all the people who have been so supportive of the Library. It will be on October 14 from 2 to 4 pm.

Details to follow!

Chicago in Bradley Beach

This month, the large-print book club is reading Devil in the White City, a true-life story about murder and the magnificent 1893 World's Fair in Chicago.

And our newest book club is reading Divergent, a  young adult novel about a dystopian Chicago of the future.

Are book clubs in Chicago reading about Bradley Beach? Hmmmm

Friday, August 17, 2012

Every Day in Tuscany

Nanci Bachman recommends the audiobook EveryDay in Tuscany: Seasons of an Italian Life, which was written and read by Frances Mayles.

She said it was a great listen and has a fabulous  bonus: the last CD includes delicious recipes that can be printed out, cooked and eaten. She particularly liked the final recipe. "All that's left," she said, "is the trip to Tuscany!"

Friday, August 10, 2012

Mid-Year Report

We don't have an All-Star break. But, just like the baseball players, we like to check our stats.

Here are the highlights from the year to date:
·         We currently have 6.400 members. Last year, we had 6,256.
·         We have had more visits in the first sixth months (22,273) than all of last year (19,000).
·         More people have participated in our programs during the first sixth months of 2012 (1,798) than all of 2011 (1,705).
·         Circulation for all of 2011 was 22,000; we have already reached 14,337.
Go, Bradley Beach Library!