Right now, libraries are a balancing act. Even as more and
more people read ebooks, the print collection at libraries is still
important. Readers want both, as mentioned in
a Washington Post article.
In addition to balancing those needs, the library needs to consider its
other service as a Third Place, as opposed to Home (first) and Work
(second). A Third Place is defined as somewhere that is free, accessible
and can be a "home away from home."
From the article:
"More people come into libraries to meet, work and study today than
just to borrow." This is very true. At the Bradley Beach library, many
people come in to read, meet a tutor, attend a program, use a computer,
or to study on their own laptops.
Collections and
space are all important needs, and the library needs to balance all
needs. And I would argue, as time marches on and information becomes
more digital, the importance as a library as a meeting, work, or
gathering space will become even more predominant and space devoted to
book collections will turn into more meeting space. But in the meantime,
Bradley Beach will continue to provide popular print collections and
e-collections through elibraryNJ and Hoopla.